Welcome to my website! Hopefully this page will be useful so you can learn a little more about my skills and interests!
Programming languages
I have coded thousands of lines of code in various programming languages in the classroom, professional world, and on my own. I am very comfortable navigating between these languages, and am also not afraid to learn any new language thrown at me.
What's a programming language if you don't do anything with it? Here are some more practical skills I have experience with:
Front End Web Development
I have programmed various front ends for websites, such as this one, as well as more complex interfaces for side projects that contained animations and features that synced properly with server side code.
Back End Web Development
I have experience writing an abundance back end code, primarily using PHP as well as Java. My mobile application was programmed with PHP and a MySQL database, with over 1000 lines of back end code so far.
Mobile Development
I am comfortable desigining and programming apps for the mobile world. My own mobile application, described more below and scheduled to release soon, has complex features for displaying and sharing content.
Data Structure Experience
I am proficient in the use and implementations of various data structures such as linked/doubly linked lists, graphs, hash tables, queues, and stacks. The applications I develop take advantage of these protocols to provide maximum efficiency.
Version Control
All projects I develop follow careful version control protocol to provide a stable codebase.
Personal Project Example: Geo-Frame
Geo-Frame is a location based social media application. Users take a picture at a location and try to get the most likes. Using reverse geocoding, the app determines which pictures have the most likes at a place, city, state/region, country, and continent.
Thanks for checking out my website!
I am going to continue to add content to this website in the future, I appreciate you checking it out! Be sure to reach out to me by
if you would like to chat!